Monday, June 8, 2009

Well it's been awhile

It will totally hapen when kids are sick on and off. Everyone has been ill at least once and my little one cannot kick his current ear infection. We are headed on 5 weeks, 4 antibiotics and no luck in fixing the problem, so on Wednesday we are headed to see the ENT and hopefully they will have some words of wisdom.

Past that school is back in session, so trying to balance classes, kids, housework, family time, and so on makes life quite busy. I can't believe S is 6 months old already, it seems like just yesterday we were waiting for his arrival, and here he is now trying to learn to sit up and crawl. Here is my little man.....

On another note, both boys have been doing swim lessons. C is just having his refresher lesson, and is totaly a fish in the pool once again. At 3 he outswims many 6 and 7 year olds I know. I have to say the ISR lessons he did have totally been worth every penny we ever spent on them. They are the only lessons I would ever recommend to anyone wanting their children to have a good hand at swimming and having total confidence of themselves in the water. S at only 6 months can keep himself afloat, and turn himself over from face down. He has totally got it down and will be testing out sometime this week. Here are a few shts from swim lessons.

Well that's all I got for now. look for more in the upcoming days.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My dream

As a child I was always facinated by farms. I always knew I wanted to live on one, and be a farmer. Yet today farms are hard to find, and even harder to own. Trust me I have tried, but farm credit is hard to come by. I relinqueshed my dream long ago.

Then I had my first son, and that nagging thought was in the back of my mind again. But I pushed it out once more. Then my second son came in the end of November, and now here the thought once again. I want my boys to grow up in the country, free roaming on a beautiful farm, learning to care for animals, and repsecting the land. But I am stuck at how to obtain this dream, and hopefully that is where this blog comes in.

While laying in bed, I was thinking how much we as an American society have forgotten how easy it is to help our neighbors. To take a few minutes and help an elderly person carry in groceries or unload their basket in the checkout line, or to give a homeless person a dollar to get a cup of coffee. When did a dollar become too much to spare?

Here is where I ask you all to do just that....... spare a dollar. Let us see what can be made of a dollar. In this country there are around 306 million people. Imagine if each one gave a single dollar to help another, how far would we be able to go? How much would we be able to accomplish? That is the goal here. To put into motion a pay it forward.

You, my readers, take a blind gamble and donate a dollar, or what you see fit, and from there I will take that dollar and when there are enough of them buy a working farm. From there I will take what I make and turn around and pass that same dollar to as many people as I can, in a hope that the dollar will change their lives as I hope mine will change. As time goes on I will continue to give more background of my family, and kids, and hopefully one day the workings of a great farm. Until then be blessed and have a wonderful day.

The whole purpose

Welcome all you to my new blog. This blog is dedicated to a dream that I one day wish to have come true. Read on, read on.